Samantha & Samuel

October 5, 2024 • Eureka, MO

Samantha & Samuel

October 5, 2024 • Eureka, MO

Wedding Party

Josie DeMoor
Josie DeMoor - Maid of Honor
Josie is Sammi's older sister, and has become one of Sam's best friends. One of the most important persons in our lives, she truly knows us and our love better than anyone!
Ollie Thomas
Ollie Thomas - Best Man
Ollie is Sam's younger brother, and he is the person Sam can talk about anything with. Also Sam's trusted sidekick in many dumb adventures growing up!
Tori DeMoor
Tori DeMoor - Bridesmaid
Tori is Sammi's younger sister, and she was a constant companion our final year at Truman. She has a big heart as evidenced by her career as a NICU nurse. Tori is pictured here with her fiancé Bob and her niece Kimber.
Jacob Lear
Jacob Lear - Groomsman
Jacob is one Sam's best friends from high school. He always challenges us to take a different perspective with life, especially while around a fire enjoying a good cigar! Jacob is pictured here with his beautiful wife Laura.
Addie DeMoor
Addie DeMoor - Bridesmaid
Addie is Sammi's youngest sister, and is a fierce soul! She always brightens our day when she is around, and we know there will never be a lack of laughter with her in our lives. Addie is pictured here with an owl, no relation.
William Magee
William Magee - Groomsman
William is another of Sam's best friends from high school. He's a real go-getter and always pushing us to try new experiences! We know any adventure with William is going to be a great one.
Allysa Overton
Allysa Overton - Bridesmaid
Allysa is Sammi's best friend from high school. She is the sweetest person you will ever meet, and has been a constant blessing in our lives! Our love for her has extended to her husband Brennon, and soon to her precious baby!
AJ Collier
AJ Collier - Groomsman
AJ is Sam's uncle, brother to Sam's mom. The legendary angler who helped Sam catch his first lunker, AJ has been one Sam's best buds since day 1! AJ is pictured here with his beautiful fiancé Becky.
Anna DeMoor
Anna DeMoor - Officiant
Anna is Sammi's oldest sister, and one of the first DeMoor siblings that Sam met. We know we can always count on her to be there for us, and that is why there is no one we would rather have marrying us!